
This page contains videos made by the IRG. These videos are mostly interviews in which different governance actors - be they institutional, academic, or civil society - share their views and experiences on specific topics in order to open them to debate. The videos come in two formats, short interviews or documentary format videos, which cover events or specific topics of the IRG’s work.

Constitution et gouvernance légitime

Interview de Ousmane Sy

Title in English : Constitution and legitimate governance

Yaoundé Meeting

Movie’s language : French

Le contrat social dans les sociétés nord-africaines

Interview d’Omar Bendjelloun

Title in English : The social contract in North African societies

Tunis meeting

Movie’s language : French

Land Governance and Legitimacy in Tanzania the Effects of Pluralism on Maasai Pastoralists

Title in English : Land Governance and Legitimacy in Tanzania: the Effects of Pluralism on Maasai Pastoralists

Arusha Meeting

Movie’s language : English

Tradition et Modernité au Gabon

Interview de Paulette Oyane Ondo

Title in English : Tradition and modernity in Gabon

Yaoundé Meeting

Movie’s language : French

La démocratie au sein du syndicat de l’Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens (UGTT)

Interview de Sami Souihli

Title in English : Democracy in the General Union of Tunisian Workers (UGTT) syndicate

Tunis meeting

Movie’s language : French

Droits Humains et Constitution en Tunisie

Interview de Chérif Ferjani

Title in English : Human Rights and Constitution in Tunisia

Tunis meeting

Movie’s language : French

Subtitles available : English ; Spanish ;

L’émergence de l’espace public : l’Égypte et la Tunisie

Interiew de Sarah Ben Néfissa

Title in English : The emergence of public space : Egypt and Tunisia

Tunis meeting

Movie’s language : French

Histoire des mobilisations sociales en Tunisie

Interview de Sami Souhili

Title in English : History of social mobilizations in Tunisia

Tunis meeting

Movie’s language : French

Entre tradition et modernité : Quelle gouvernance pour l’Afrique

Parcours international de débat et proposition sur la gouvernance - Actes du Colloque de Bamako (23-25 janvier 2007)

Title in English : Between Tradition and Modernity: African Governance for Tomorrow

Bamako Meeting

Movie’s language : French

La legitimad del poder en los países andino-amazónicos

Recorrido internacional de debate y propuestas sobre la gobernanza

Lima Meeting

Movie’s language : Spanish

Rencontre d’Arusha - Parcours international de débat et de propositions sur la gouvernance

Perspective en Afrique de l’Est (version longue)

Title in English : Arusha meeting - International Meeting Process For Debate And Proposals On Governance

Arusha Meeting

Movie’s language : English

The Southern Africa Perspectives - International Meeting Process For Debate And Proposals On Governance

Polokwane (June 17 - 20 2008) - Long Movie

Title in English : International Meeting Process for Debate and Proposals on Governance

Polokwane-Pretoria meeting

Movie’s language : English

Arusha meeting (short version) - International Meeting Process for Debate and Proposals on Governance

Title in English : Arusha meeting (short version) - International Meeting Process for Debate and Proposals on Governance

Arusha Meeting

Movie’s language : English

La France et la gouvernance démocratique légitime

Interview de Luc Briard

Title in English : France and the Legitimate Democratic Governance

Yaoundé Meeting

Movie’s language : French

Les enjeux de la gouvernance démocratique légitime

Interview de Ousmane Sy

Title in English : Issues of legitimate democratic governance

Yaoundé Meeting

Movie’s language : French

Icelandic Constitutional History and the Current Constitution Reform

Interview with Gudrun Petursdottir

Addis Ababa Meeting

Movie’s language : English

Subtitles available : French ; Spanish ;

La société civile face aux régulations sociales parallèles au Mexique

Interview avec Jorge Balbis

Title in English : Civil Society and Parallel Social Regulations in Mexico

Addis Ababa Meeting

Movie’s language : French

Subtitles available : English ; Spanish ;

The Role of New Technologies in the Constitutional Reform Process of Iceland

Interview with Gudrun Petursdottir

Addis Ababa Meeting

Movie’s language : English

Subtitles available : French ; Spanish ;

The Inter-American Court on Human Rights and the concept of integral reparation

Interview with Jorge Calderon

Addis Ababa Meeting

Movie’s language : English

Subtitles available : French ; Spanish ;

Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Interview with Jorge Calderon

Addis Ababa Meeting

Movie’s language : English

Subtitles available : French ; Spanish ;