
Droit public et institutionnalisation en situation de pluralisme normatif : le cas de l’Etat malien

By Séverine Bellina

Ed. : Université Pierre Mendès France - Centre d’études et de recherche sur le droit, histoire, administration publique

Release Date: 2001 ; Number of pages : 567

Material Type :

Geographical areas : Africa ; Mali

KeyWords : ; State

Language: French

With colonization, the Malians were propelled into a unifying politico-institutional dynamic which was in contradiction with their historicity based on balanced diversity. Since then, the state and the people coexist along the lines of logical integration and intrumentalization whose actual patterns reveal the normative heterogeneity at work. The rules-practices and legality-legitimacy dialectics allow, beyond formal law, to seize the actually experienced laws – in other words the normative values - and the place of law in the social regulation. Legal pluralism and the question of the effectiveness of law illuminate the psychosocial nature of the processes of legitimation of power, in light of the interests that guide actors and whose impact must be taken into account on the substantification in the state. Issues of law in the making and the delimitation the legitimate political space - resulting from public action and that of political actors - are asked.

Doctoral thesis of BELLINA Séverine Réf ANRT : 39559

Identifiant BU : 01GRE21022 - 567 pages