
Société civile

Title in English : Société civile

By Jeanne Planche

Ed. : Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer

Release Date: 2007 ; Number of pages : 142

Material Type :

KeyWords : Relations State / Civil Society

Language: French

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Whether it be in the North or in the South, the theme of civil society is indeed recurrent in the discourses of political and social actors. Some claim to be active members of it, others chastise it, while many seek to strengthen it. Designed as checks and balances and/or partners of public authorities, the inclusion of civil society in the development community in particular seems to have reached a broad consensus. In this book, Jeanne Planche clarifies the different approaches and practices relating to civil society. She questions this notion and demonstrates to us that civil society is both a very ancient and very recent actor in the field of governance.