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Our activities and network in the world

The IRG is an international forum for reflecting and making proposals on public governance, based in Paris. The IRG works with networks of partners around the world with a pluri-cultural, cross-disciplinary, multi-actor and multi-scale approach. The IRG holds an ongoing debate on governance, opening new avenues for research and expertise and helping in the elaboration of public policies. It puts out training modules and publications and sets up forums for international dialogue. More

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Resource Center

A virtual library containing over 700 documents - studies, analyses, interviews

Chronicles Couverture de la revue All Responsible?

Chronicles of Governance 2015

Faced with crisis or natural disasters, the same question always comes back with emphasis: who is accountable? The answer is rarely obvious. Through a serie of analyses and proposals, a panel of intellectuals, politicians, experts and personalities of civil society and the private sector, pave the way to rebuild accountability on multi-dimensional and collective dynamics.

Recently Published
  • Cover 2 A Governance Practitioner’s Notebook
    alternative ideas and approaches

    The book takes an unusual approach for the OECD-DAC Network on Governance (GovNet). It brings together a collection of specially written notes aimed at those who work as governance practitioners within development agencies. It does so, however, without attempting to offer definitive guidance – instead aiming to stimulate thinking and debate. To aid this process the book is centred on a fictional Governance Adviser.

  • Cover 2 Elections and risks of instability in Africa
    What support for legitimate electoral processes?

    This study highlights the need for an inclusive political power-sharing agreement, along with the importance of multi-stakeholderism to strengthen the legitimacy of elections and reduce the risk of tensions. Accordingly, elections must be part of a broader perspective of democratic governance and ongoing responsibility of public action (beyond the electoral temporality).

  • Cover 1 Diversity and Public Action, a Challenge to the Legitimate Democratic Governance
    Colloquium Proceedings of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

    Final publication of the International Meeting Process, it explains the challenges of diversity taking into account by public action. Based on an exchange of experiences – African, Latin American and European – in the field of constitutional reform processes and Human rights, it sets the modalities of a plural governance to give body to a renewed, peaceful and shared common desire to live together between States and societies.

  • Cover 2 International Meeting Process for Debate and Proposals on Governance
    Central African Perspectives

    What founds the legitimacy of a state?
    What creates the support of the people to power embodied by the state? In Central Africa, are there other institutions - religious, traditional, community based - that compete with states in their role of legitimate authority?
    Gathered over three days of debate, the Yaoundé Meeting participants came to share their experiences and opinions so as to collectively find concrete answers to these questions.