
La Société civile mondiale à l’épreuve du réel

Title in English : Global Civil Society to the test of reality

By Institut de recherche et débat sur la gouvernance - IRG, Martin Vielajus

Ed. : Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer

Release Date: September 2009 ; Number of pages : 352

Material Type : Books

KeyWords : International cooperation ; Non-governmental diplomacy ; Territorial management

Language: French

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Under the direction of Martin Vielajus avec Helmut Anheier, Mohamed Larbi Bouguerra, Pierre Calame, Fadia Daibes-Murad, Guillaume Devin, Willemijn Dicke, Marc Edelman, Amber Hawkes, Mary Kaldor, Sanjeev Khagram, Denisa Kostovicova, Alessandro Palmieri, Bruno Rebelle, Henri Rouillé d’Orfeuil, Yahia Said, Simon Tordjman, Carlos Bernardo Vainer, Zoë Wilson, and Patricia Wouters.

Since the 1990s, many voices herald the emergence of a « global civil society ». What is the current situation? That’s the question posed in this book, which offers a selection of recent texts, translated into French, extracted from the Global Civil Society Yearbook – a periodic reference in the field of Civil Society Studies, published annually by the London School of Economics. Complementing each text, French researchers in turn express their views, thus initiating a lively dialogue between different schools of thought. On global issues such as water, oil, agriculture, and the promotion of civil and political liberties, the book takes us beyond ideological battles and sheds light on the forces that drive a number of civil society stakeholders to engage in global governance with the States.