
Coopération au développement, Les raisons de persévérer

Title in English : Development cooperation, Reasons to persist

Ed. : Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer

Release Date: April 2011 ; Number of pages : 208

Material Type :

KeyWords : Development

Language: French

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Foreword by Michel Sauquet

Over half a century after the end of the colonial era, the disparities between countries have changed but the question of development aid remains as urgent as ever.

At a time when the international context has considerably evolved with the advent of emerging powers, the cooperation between rich and poor countries, notably technical cooperation, must stop being a charge and become a pressing obligation. This fresh approach to cooperation is going to require greater human accompaniment whilst breaking with some past practices. Where and how should the French technical development worker abroad, the doctor, the teacher or the civil engineer position him or herself?