
Communautarisation de la société irakienne après 2003

Impacts on the political and institutional system?

Title in English : Communitisation of Iraqi society after 2003

By Arthur Quesnay

Release Date: December 1, 2014

Geographical areas : Near East

KeyWords : Constitution ; Legitimate governance


This study also exists in English

Communitisation of Iraqi society after 2003

This study analyses the 2005 Iraqi constitution, whose goal has been to build a new federal political regime representing the diversity of the Iraqi society. It questions the capacity of the constitutional bill to create the necessary conditions to rebuild the Iraqi social contract by legally recognizing this diversity.

This study is part of a series of case studies realised by associated experts in the framework of the International Network for Reflection and Proposals on a Plural Approach for Constitutions’ (INC) work and analyses, initiated by the Institute for Research and Debate on Governance (IRG).