
Élection et risques d’instabilité en Afrique

Supporting Legitimate Electoral Processes

Title in English : Elections and risks of instability in Africa

By Ivan Crouzel, Séverine Bellina, Dominique Darbon, Salvatore Pappalardo, Céline Thiriot

Release Date: May 2014

Geographical areas : Africa

KeyWords : Electoral process ; Elections ; Legitimacy of power



The IRG, in partnership with Sciences Po Bordeaux, presented to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development the study “Elections and risks of instability in Africa”. This study highlights (i) the need for an inclusive political power-sharing agreement; (ii) the importance of multi-stakeholderism to strengthen the legitimacy of elections and reduce the risk of tensions; (iii) that elections must be part of a broader perspective of democratic governance and ongoing responsibility of public action (beyond the electoral temporality).

Roundtable: Making Elections More Legitimate in Africa

On the 25th of March 2014, IRG co-organised the roundtable « Making Elections More Legitimate in Africa » in Johannesburg, in partnership with the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the support of the French Embassy in South Africa.

This workshop gathered researchers and practitioners of electoral processes. It focused on the relationship between elections, instability and legitimacy in Africa. It also dealt with the role of external actors, particularly at the African Union level.

On this occasion, IRG presented the results of the study « Elections and risk of instability in Africa: supporting legitimate electoral processes ».

Access the Roundtable presentation

Download the support document « Elections and the Risk of Instability in Africa: Supporting Legitimate Electoral Processes », SAIIA Occasional Paper 196