
Enfoque plural y articulación integral de las regulaciones en la zona andina: Colombia, Ecuador y Bolivia

Title in English : Plural approach to inter-ethnic conflict resolution and integral articulation of the regulatory framework in the Andean Zone: Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

By Cristina Echeverri Pineda, Nathalia Sandoval Rojas

Release Date: February 4, 2015

Geographical areas : Colombia ; Ecuador ; Bolivia ; South America

KeyWords : Constitution ; conflict

This case study aims to describe the constitutional reform process that took place in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador within the last years. The case study analyses the constitutions, the content of the constitutional texts and their implementation by the actors.

This study is part of a series of case studies realised by associated experts in the framework of the International Network for Reflection and Proposals on a Plural Approach for Constitutions’ (INC) work and analyses, initiated by the Institute for Research and Debate on Governance (IRG).