
What we now know about citizen action and development outcomes

By Nicholas Benequista, John Gaventa

Book : La gouvernance en révolution(s) - Chroniques de la gouvernance 2012

KeyWords : citizens Concertation

Table of content

Despite almost a decade since participation has become somewhat mainstreamed in development practice and since strengthening the demand side has become attractive in good governance strategies, we still have very little evidence about the outcomes of citizen engagement, how they occur and in what contexts and conditions.

Evidence from the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability (Citizenship DRC) gives us an opportunity to help fill this knowledge gap.

With funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), as well as from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in the United States, the Citizenship DRC 3 was a collaborative network of some sixty researchers and practitioners in nearly 30 countries.